Doll Carriers

These patterns are for use of a child carrying a doll or toy. They should never be used to actually carry a baby.

Buckle Carriers

Sew Toot "The 'Mini' Doll Carrier" (paid pattern)

Baby Bonda Productions "Just like Mommy" Buckle Onbuhimo Doll Carrier (paid pattern)

Baby Bonda Productions Easy Sew Toy Doll Carrier (paid pattern)

Childhood Gear (free pattern)

Meh Dai

The Shopping Mama Meh Dai Doll Carrier Tutorial

Ginger Snap Crafts Toddler Baby Doll Carrier

Ring Sling

Child Size Doll Ring Sling

Pouch Sling etc

Hipababy Doll Slings

  • Pouch Sling
  • Ring Sling
  • Meh dai
  • Baby carriers for barbie-sized dolls
-- Alyssa Leonard - 2016-07-26

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