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Hybrid Carriers

While many carriers fit into the broader categories of wraps/slings, Asian style baby carriers, or full buckle carriers, the babywearing world is full of constant innovation. As such, there are carriers that are either too obscure to get their own page, or are a hybrid of two major carrier types. Most major carriers started as some sort of hybrid to begin with (standard ergonomic soft structured carrier are essentially a hybrid of the narrow based buckle carriers and the more traditional meh dai, for example) this page is a place for carriers like this that have not yet become "standard."

Please use caution when using a hybrid carrier. Because many of them have not been commercially safety tested, there are not "standards of use" for many of them, like their are for standard commercial carriers, so the rules for age appropriateness, back carries, and positioning may be up to the wearer to determine. These are not always the best option for beginner wearers who may not be fully well-versed in all of the intricacies of wearing. When in doubt, getting help from a Volunteer Babywearing Educator with your local Babywearing International group can be helpful in making sure you are using your carrier safely and effectively.

Tutorials and Walkthroughs

Buckle Waist Woven Wrap - Walkthrough by Alyssa Leonard - Download: buckle_wrap_walkthrough.pdf

  • Inspired by the XOXO Buckle Wrap Baby Carrier, this carrier comebines the ease of a buckle waistband with the cozy, flowy snugness of woven wraps.

Sling/SSC Hybrid - Walkthrough by Sarah Wiley Curtis - Download: Sling-SSC_hybrid_3.pdf

  • Similar to the Emeibaby Carrier, this carrier is essentially a full buckle ergonomic soft structured carrier, but replaces the majority of the body with an unstructured sling with ring adjustments on the side, allow the panel to adjust for any age child with no insert needed.

Meh Dai/SSC Hybrid with Rings ( formerly but innappropriately called a "ring tai") - Walkthrough from Bea's World blog, originally created by Heidi (last name?)

  • This carrier is essentially constructed exactly like a modern ergonomic soft structured carrier, except anywhere a SSC would have buckles or ladder locks combined with webbing, this carrier instead uses double sling rings and fabric straps.

Chunei (podaegi/SSC hybrid) - Photo Progress Album by Jané Fourie (album only visible to DIY Babywearing group members)

  • A Chunei is a more obscure type of carrier designed like a simplified podaegi with velcro and buckles. Jané shared her experience in trying to make her own in a photo album within the group.

Pea Pod Hip Carrier by Sew Mama Sew

  • This carrier is somewhat of a hybrid between the ease of a buckle carrier and the convenience of throwing a kid on your hip in a sling.

-- Alyssa Leonard - 2017-04-07

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PDFpdf Sling-SSC_hybrid_3.pdf r1 manage 9554.0 K 2017-04-07 - 18:09 AlyssaLeonard  
PDFpdf buckle_wrap_walkthrough.pdf r1 manage 736.9 K 2017-04-07 - 18:09 AlyssaLeonard  
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