No Sew Ring Sling
A no sew ring sling is a great way to make a ring sling without the difficulty of sewing the shoulder, and also a way to use a shorty wrap.
To make a No Sew Ring Sling, first make a short
woven wrap - a
base-3 or base-4 (size 2 or 3 for an average sized woman) is a great place to start.
Contrary to popular belief, a no sew ring sling does still require the edges of your fabric to be hemmed. If you don't own a sewing machine, this can be done by hand or by a local dry cleaners.
Then, using a pair of large sling rings, follow these
for an easy no-sew ring sling. Alternatively, instead if folding the fabric through both rings, you can thread the top like you would the bottom like
this. This is a good option if you plan to leave it threaded as a ring sling for regular use.
-- %USERSIG{AlyssaLeonard - 2016-07-27}