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DIY Babywearing on Facebook
TICKS Rules for Safe Babywearing
4 Rules for Safe Fabric Selection
Can My Fabric Stretch?
Fabric used for seamed, structured carriers like SSCs and Meh Dais should have no stretch in any direction, besides maybe a little diagonal give.
Stretchy Wraps
like a Moby wrap or a
K'tan-style dual pouch carrier
that always have three supporting passes over baby's back and are only used for front carries can stretch in all four directions.
For most wraps and ring slings, you want no stretch, but a little from selvedge-to-selvedge is okay. This most specifically applies when choosing
for a
water ring sling
Alyssa Leonard - 2016-07-16
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DIY Babywearing on Facebook
TICKS Rules for Safe Babywearing
4 Rules for Safe Fabric Selection
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Topic revision: r4 - 2017-04-04 - AlyssaLeonard
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