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Scouring Osnaburg

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All of the information on this page was assembled in collaboration with the Facebook group Dyed Baby Carriers. If you have more questions regarding dyeing your baby carrier, join their group for assistance!

What is scouring?

Scouring is a deep cleaning process. It is typically used to prep raw, unprocessed fibers or fabric for accepting dye evenly, but it is also done on raw fabric that will be used for a baby in order to clean all of the buildup in the fibers. While most bolt fabric has already been processed and dyed, raw fabrics like osnaburg need to be cleaned first.

DO scour:

  • osnaburg (whether you plan to dye it or not)

DO NOT scour:

  • Commercial wraps
  • Stretchy wraps
  • Knit fabrics
  • Clothing
  • Structured/seamed carriers
  • Sling rings

More information on scouring:


Supplies needed

Stainless Steel or Enameled Pot not used for food (ideal) or a utility tub, large sink, or hard plastic cooler

Blue Dawn Dish Soap OR Synthropol OR Fairy (dependent on country)

Soda Ash ( click here for more info)

Stovetop Instructions

  1. Half a teaspoon (2 gm) of soda ash per pound of fabric

  2. Half a teaspoon (2.5 ml) of Synthropol/Dawn/Fairy per pound of fabric

  3. Add enough water so fabric can move freely

  4. Bring to a simmer and scour for an hour

  5. Drain off visibly dirty water

  6. Rinse with clean water. Using the washing machine for this step is acceptable- no added soaps or detergents. Spin dry and then your fabric is ready for the soda ash soak, or you can let it dry completely and hem it before soaking and/or dyeing.

Utility Tub/Sink/Cooler Instructions

  1. Half a teaspoon (2 gm) of soda ash per pound of fabric

  2. Half a teaspoon (2.5 ml) of Synthropol/Dawn/Fairy per pound of fabric

  3. Add enough BOILING HOT water so fabric can move freely

  4. Close lid or cover to keep heat in and scour for an hour

  5. Drain off visibly dirty water

  6. Rinse with clean water. Using the washing machine for this step is acceptable- no added soaps or detergents. Spin dry and then your fabric is ready for the soda ash soak, or you can let it dry completely and hem it before soaking and/or dyeing.

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JPEGjpg scouring.jpg r1 manage 71.4 K 2017-07-09 - 20:46 AlyssaLeonard  
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