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Carrier Widths and Lengths

Keep in mind that some brands may vary. Remember to buy 20% more fabric than needed to account for shrinkage. Simply multiply the length x1.2 to add 20%. Also remember to add additional length to straps (3"-5") to sink into the body panel for reinforcement stitches.

Woven Wrap

Woven wrap sizes range about 20-30 centimeters depending on brand; the length listed is the minimum length for that size. For an explanation of the various sizes of woven wraps, read the section on base sizes on this page. Tapered wraps measure the length of one rail (both rails being the same length with parallel tapers).


Woven Wrap SizingMetersInchesYards
Width 70cm-80cm 26"-32" 0.7y-0.9y
Size 1 2.0m 79" 2.2y
Size 2 2.5m 98" 2.9y
Size 3 3.1m 122" 3.4y
Size 4 3.7m 146" 4.0y
Size 5 4.2m 165" 4.6y
Size 6 4.6 181" 5.0y
Size 7 5.2m 205" 5.7y
Size 8 5.6m 220" 6.1y
Size 9 6.3m 248" 6.9y

Ring Sling

Ring sling sizing is based on the wearer's size, but keep in mind that this is aiming for a thigh-length tail and than anything from 12" of tail to mid-shin is safe - therefore the sizing is very flexible. (Author's note: I wear a unisex size small t-shirt and my husband wears an XL and we use the same Large ring sling comfortably.) Sleeping Baby Productions has a size calculator on their website if you want a more exact measurement.

Tapered tail ring slings are measured from the rings down the center of the taper.


Stretchy Wrap

Stretchy wraps, like Moby, Boba, or Solly wraps, are typically "one size fits most," although Moby does sell an extra long wrap as well.

Stretchy Wrap Sizing Meters Inches Yards
Moby WIDTH 0.6m 24" 0.7y
Boba WIDTH 0.5m 20" 0.6y
Moby length 5.5m 217" 6.0y
Moby plus size length 6.0m 236" 6.6y
Boba length 5.3m 209" 5.8y

Pouch Sling

Pouch slings must be carefully sized to the wearer. The sizing here gives the range including the shorter circumference (around the top and bottom rail of the pouch.) The widest part of the pouch (around the middle of the curve) would be about 2" wider. Search our Facebook group for the hashtag "#pouchsling" to find a video on measuring yourself for a pouch!

Again, this is total circumference - when the sling is laying flat, the length is half of this since it is looped over on top of itself.

"Sizing" typically approximately matches what size unisex t-shirt you wear.

Pouch Sling Sizing Meters Inches Yards
WIDTH 0.5m 21" 0.6y
Small 1.2m 48" 1.4y
Medium 1.4m 53" 1.5y
Large 1.5m 58" 1.6y
XLarge 1.6m 64" 1.8y

Meh Dai

In carriers with body panels, the body panel is sized to the child, whereas the straps are sized for the wearer.

In the chart below, the "height" for the body panel includes the height of the waistband. If you are constructing your meh dai with a separate body panel and waist band (which adds additional height to the body panel) be sure to account for this.

If your body panel is more of an hourglass shape, the "width" should be the width of the carrier just above the top of the waistband, where baby's knees would be coming off the side of the carrier. The body panel can be wider below this, flaring out for the waist band, and narrower above this point.

BODY PANEL Infant (~NB-18months) Toddler (~18-36months) Preschool (~36months-4 years)
Width 15 inches 18 inches 20 inches
Height 20 inches 22 inches 24 inches
Strap lengths are approximate and fairly flexible. In general, it is better to err long. Long straps can always be hemmed shorter, but there is no safe way to add length to short straps. The lengths here are from the outside edge of the body panel to the end of the strap and do NOT include the additional 5 inches or so needed to sink into the body panel for reinforcment stitching.

Width (double layer tube straps) 4 inches
Width (single layer wrap straps) 10-15 inches
Length (standard/minimum) 75 inches
Length (plus size/fancy finishes) 90 inches


In carriers with body panels, the body panel is sized to the child, whereas the straps are sized for the wearer.

If your body panel is more of an hourglass shape, the "width" should be the width of the carrier just above the top of the waistband, where baby's knees would be coming off the side of the carrier. The body panel can be wider below this, flaring out for the waist band, and narrower above this point.

BODY PANEL Infant (~NB-18months) Toddler (~18-36months) Preschool (~36months-4 years)
Width 15 inches 18 inches 20 inches
Height 20 inches 22 inches 24 inches
Strap lengths are approximate and fairly flexible. In general, it is better to err long. Long straps can always be hemmed shorter, but there is no safe way to add length to short straps. The lengths here are from the outside edge of the body panel to the end of the strap and do NOT include the additional 5 inches or so needed to sink into the body panel for reinforcment stitching.

Width (double layer tube straps) 4 inches
Width (single layer wrap straps) 10-15 inches
Length (standard/minimum) 60 inches
Length (plus size/fancy finishes) 75 inches

Reverse Onbuhimo

In carriers with body panels, the body panel is sized to the child, whereas the straps are sized for the wearer.

In the chart below, the "height" for the body panel includes the height of the waistband. If you are constructing your onbuhimo with a separate body panel and waist band (which adds additional height to the body panel) be sure to account for this.

If your body panel is more of an hourglass shape, the "width" should be the width of the carrier just above the top of the waistband, where baby's knees would be coming off the side of the carrier. The body panel can be wider below this, flaring out for the waist band, and narrower above this point.

BODY PANEL Infant (~NB-18months) Toddler (~18-36months) Preschool (~36months-4 years)
Width 15 inches 18 inches 20 inches
Height 20 inches 22 inches 24 inches
Strap lengths are approximate and fairly flexible. In general, it is better to err long. Long straps can always be hemmed shorter, but there is no safe way to add length to short straps. The lengths here are from the outside edge of the body panel to the end of the strap and do NOT include the additional 5 inches or so needed to sink into the body panel for reinforcment stitching.

There is a very wide range in "acceptable length" for a reverse onbuhimo. This is because I reverse onbuhimo can be worn with the straps threaded through the shoulder straps' double rings and left hanging in which case a simple 12" of extra tail just for security is fine and safe) or the straps can be longer in order to allow for reinforcing passes or a tibetan finish up front for more support.

Width (double layer tube straps) 4 inches
Width (single layer wrap straps) 10-15 inches
Length (standard/minimum) 40 inches
Length (plus size/fancy finishes) 80 inches
Shoulder strap length will determine how far the rings come down over your shoulders. 10"-12" is fairly standard but you may need to add or subtract a few inches if you are particularly far off of average size. This length has the bottom of the rings nearly flush with the bottom of the strap.

Author's note: my XL husband and my S-M self use the same 10" shoulder straps. They are perfect for me. He could probably use another inch or two, but is comfortable with 10 straps.

Width (double layer tube straps) 3-5 inches
Length (standard) 10-12 inches

Buckle Onbuhimo

In carriers with body panels, the body panel is sized to the child, whereas the straps are sized for the wearer.

If your body panel is more of an hourglass shape, the "width" should be the width of the carrier just above the top of the waistband, where baby's knees would be coming off the side of the carrier. The body panel can be wider below this, flaring out for the waist band, and narrower above this point.

BODY PANEL Infant (~NB-18months) Toddler (~18-36months) Preschool (~36months-4 years)
Width 15 inches 18 inches 20 inches
Height 20 inches 22 inches 24 inches
Shoulder strap length will determine how far the padding comes down over your shoulders. If the shoulder straps are too long, you will not be able to tighten the webbing enough to get a snug and secure high back carry. If they are too short, you will end up with a section of bare webbing between the bottom of the padding and the bottom of the body panel, which could rub into your armpits and be uncomfortable. One way to account for this range is to make a slightly longer (19" or so) shoulder straps and add PFAs (perfect fit adjusters) to adjust the length of the padding.

The length here does NOT include the additional 3"-5" needed to secure the strap to the body panel with proper reinforcment stitching.

Width (double layer tube straps) 3-5 inches
Length (standard) 16 inches

Alyssa Leonard - 2016-07-16

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