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Stripping Color From a Wrap
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All of the information on this page was assembled in collaboration with the Facebook group Dyed Baby Carriers. If you have more questions regarding dyeing your baby carrier, join their group for assistance!
Safety Considerations
Color remover is designed for a single length of fabric or woven wrap. Do not use color remover on the following:
- Wool
- Bamboo
- Rayon
- Silk
- Structured/Seamed Carriers
- Stretchy Wraps
- Knit Fabrics
Although the reductive discharge chemicals are less toxic, in general, than chlorine bleach, they are particularly dangerous for people who have asthma and other more serious respiratory and neurologic issues. All agents that can strip color produce sulfur dioxide. Everyone should wear gloves and a respirator. Take care to avoid over exposure to vapors. Please obtain and abide by the MSDS for all chemicals you work with.
DO NOT USE color remover if you are currently pregnant or if small children are present.
Chemicals for Removing Color
Approved color removers:
- Dharma's Dyehouse Color Remover
- RIT Color Remover (requires 4-6 packets to achieve similar result to Dharma)
NEVER use bleach on fabric intended for babywearing. It is impossible to measure the amount of damage done to the fibers by the bleaching process. Even when properly neutralized afterwards, it cannot be trusted to carry an infant or toddler's weight on a consistent basis
Materials Needed
- Protective Gloves
- Full-face respirator with the proper filters (Multi-Gas/P100 cartridges)
- Large pot (no longer food-safe after used for color removing)
- Stove
- Proper Ventilation (open windows, fan, etc)
- Spoon long & strong enough for moving around fabric
- Color Remover (approved color removers listed above)
For instructions, refer to the directions on the color remover's packaging or the supplier's website. Follow all directions exactly.
Expected Results
Stripping color can be an unpredictable process, in which some colors may be removed completely, others may be lightened, and still others may completely change or be left untouched.
The following commercial wraps have been tested by members of
Dyed Baby Carriers.
Known Strippers Strip down to light yellow, beige, cream or white. |
Partial Strippers Colors either lighten or change to lighter colors. |
Stubborn Strippers Colors Do Not Change |
Natibaby Black/Gray Gears - retains contrast Diva Linen Oscha Caprica Roses Helios Roses Danna Natibaby Olive Silk Pontia Natibaby Alma Mater Storch Leo Noah in Wonderland (needs 2 strippers) Oscha Eden Cooper Beach Nautilus Papaya Didymos Prima Loden Natibaby Perla Amazonia Oscha Nouveau Honeycomb Natibaby Bahama Natibaby Calahari Katia with wool Natibaby Marine Fern Cogs Acero Storch Leo Natur Didymos Moss, Azur Diamond Weave Jade Mild Mati Elves Oscha Raven Oscha Starry Night Midnight (bamboo blend) Braid Pine Didymos Rosalinde Oscha Triskele Honey Leo Rouge Zara Sophia Gray Neobulle Nati Eosin (gray/pink) |
Cherry Blossoms (only pink stripes) Natibaby Green/Red Sea (only the red stripes) Nebbia Fish (Green/Yellow strips; black does not) Caride Latimeria Fish Didymos Swing Oscha JKGC Knots Oscha Knots Fern Natibaby Blue Linen Swallows Storch Inka (pink/purple strips; blues/yellows do not budge) Storch Leo Violet (red strips; blue does not budge) |
Didymos Aqua Waves Didymos Rosalinde Didymos Pink Pfau Didymos Violet Pfau (linen blend) Didymos Petrol Pfau Didymos Black Pfau (hemp) Didymos Violet Prima (hemp) Didymos Violet Prima (linen) Didymos Petrol Prima (hemp) Lago OS 1975 Didymos Purple Waves Lago OS Ruby/Gold Vat Denim Whales Jeans Ninos Sus Tendrils (hemp blend) Oscha ABB Leo Turkis Didymos Kiesel Prima Didymos Jack |
Alyssa Leonard - 2017-02-17