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Podaegi Tutorial

What is a Podaegi?

Pronounced "poh-DEH-gee" (hard G.) Also referred to as: pod


Traditional wide-blanket podaegi

Back Carry

Image sourced from littleseouls.blongspot.com


Traditionally, a rectangular "blanket" is attached to a long, continous strap coming out horizontally from the top corners of the "blanket." The blanket is wide enough to wrap around both the wearee and the wearer.

Good For
  • Front Carries: Good for all ages
  • Hip Carries: Not designed for hip carries.
  • Back Carries: All ages (for experienced wearers only)
  • Forward Facing: Not designed for forward facing.

Simple, traditional construction. Cozy for colder weather.


Less common carrier makes documentation on usage harder to find. Safety standards have not been created for podaegis, so no commercial podaegis exist that pass current carrier safety testing.


One size fits most. Total combined strap length should be somewhere between the wearer's "base size" wrap (the length needed in a wrap to do front wrap cross carry) and a base-2, so plus size wearers may occasionally need slightly longer straps.

How to Use


-- Alyssa Leonard - 2016-07-16

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PDFpdf Angelas_Turkish_Towel_Podaegi.pdf r1 manage 342.1 K 2016-09-11 - 15:09 AlyssaLeonard  
JPEGjpg Photo_Sep_24_10_47_16_PM.jpg r1 manage 3072.3 K 2016-09-26 - 00:50 AlyssaLeonard  
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JPEGjpg Photo_Sep_25_8_37_12_PM.jpg r1 manage 2434.1 K 2016-09-26 - 00:52 AlyssaLeonard  
PDFpdf Podaegi_Basic.pdf r3 r2 r1 manage 186.2 K 2017-05-07 - 01:10 AlyssaLeonard  
PNGpng podaegi_cuttinglayouts.png r2 r1 manage 256.5 K 2016-09-26 - 01:17 AlyssaLeonard  
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Topic revision: r14 - 2017-05-07 - AlyssaLeonard
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